
Your final grade for this course will be a function of your performance on individual projects and team projects, class participation and case study write-ups and/or workshop deliverables, and a final assignment in the form of a five-page (plus appendices) venture pitch.

The write-up deliverable will be turned in at the start of class, workshop deliverables will be completed and submitted during class, while venture pitch will be submitted via Collab. Appropriately, the Gradebook section of the Collab site for the course will list each assignment as well as the due date and time. The specific question or topic for each of the write-up and/or workshop deliverables will be found in the class calendar or distributed during class time.f

Follow these links for more information regarding the course's policies for Grading (including the grading scale, late work, etc.), Mobile Devices, and the Fine Print.

Quizzes ( 1 Quizzes total = 10 points)

There will be 1 quizzes given over the course of the semester. The quiz will be given via Collab and the topics covered by the quiz will be announced in advance. You will have 7 days to complete each quiz.

Case Write-Up, Workshop Deliverables, and class participation - 50 points

For case discussions, you will complete a one-page write-up prior to class. You will then submit that write-up on Airtable before class starts. For these write-ups, please use size 11 Arial or Helvetica as the font, 1.5 as the line space, and one-inch all around as the margins.

Throughout the semester we will work through a series of in-class workshops. During each of these sessions you will complete and submit a deliverable (some on paper and some on Airtable).

Frankly speaking, persistence—sometimes in the form of just getting done what needs to be done—is known to be a key component of a founder's career. And so, just getting done what needs to be done, in the form of these deliverables, plays a key role in your total grade for this course.

In the case of matters of health, or other understandably important reasons for not being able to submit a case write-up or attend a workshop, simply email Professor Etienne and or Professor Ransler so we can figure out the most appropriate solution for your completion of the assignment.

Case Write-Up . Each case write-up deliverable will be worth 2 point.

For case write-ups, you can only earn full points if the write-up is not only well-written (i.e., structure spelling, grammar, etc.), but also it is clear from the response that you have read, are familiar with, and have contemplated the case and the question(s). Poorly-written write-ups, or those responses that do not suggest you have read, are familiar with, and have contemplated the case, will earn a score of 1. By and large, completing all aspects of the deliverables will warrant a score of 2 points. You will earn a score of zero (0) if you do not submit a write-up or deliverable.

Workshop Deliverable Scoring. The maximum possible points for each workshop is provided in the class schedule.

For each workshop you can only earn full points for completing all of the activities and actively engaging in discussion (in class or online) around the activity. Just completing the workshop activity will earn you 90% of available points. Present in class and not completing the workshop activity will earn you 50% of available points and zero (0) if you don't participate in the workshop activity.

Final Project (Project 2) Presentation Pitch Deck (20 points)

Final Presentation pitch, limited to five-slides with up to five pages of appendix materials (with an additional page(s) for references). This team assignment is due, on April 22 to be submitted via Airtable by 11:59pm EST. Only one member of each team needs to submit this assignment.

To complete this assignment, you should form a group of five students (i.e., four students plus yourself), and utilize digital startup tool kits to tackle local (Charlottesville/UVA) issues with global implications.

As groups, you will work together to produce a five-slide pitch deck that argues for how much you would like invested (or how much grant funding you would require) for your startup and why is that investment (or grant funding) required.

To construct this argument, you will work your way through nearly all of the ingredients of a venture pitch, each of these ingredients having been a part of a class discussion, write-up, or workshop during the semester. In fact, these ingredients were all part of one of the earliest discussions we had in the course: Anatomy of a Startup Pitch.

There is both a Grading Rubric for the assignment as well as a suggested Pitch Guide for constructing your pitch, and each of these files can be found in the listing for this Final Assignment within the Assignments section of Collab. This Rubric and Guide should be quite clear in terms of the required ingredients of the pitch. You are not obligated to order your pitch as the various parts are ordered in this guide — other than including the Intro at the beginning of the pitch deck.

Final Reflection Paper (25 pts):

This is an individual assignment that requires you to go through all the topics discussed in class and reflect on the learning outcomes and how it has shaped and influenced the way you think about Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Startups. For this exercise revisit on the ENTP 1010 class as a whole and identify a minimum of 3 insightful exercises, learning experiences and/or concepts that resonate with you. Take some time and examine your thoughts about these events. This may involve revisiting any prior experience and knowledge you may have had on entrepreneurship and startups prior to this class. Reflect on how these fundamental knowledge, beliefs, and assumptions that you had prior to taking ENTP 1010 are connected to your experience in the class. In a sense, how did the concepts/exercises in this class change you or your outlook on entrepreneurship? We are looking for no more than 3 pages for your reflection paper. Each event will be 8 points and 1 point for exceptional writing.

This reflection paper is due on May 4 2020 at 5:00pm to be submitted via Airtable - As far as the formatting requirements for the Final Reflection:

  1. 1.5 spacing;
  2. Helvetia or Aria font, 11-point;
  3. one-inch margins, top, bottom, left, and right;
  4. no greater than 3 pages of text;

Final Project Peer Evaluation (5 points) - Each team member will have the opportunity to evaluate the members performance on a scale of 1 - 5 points. The average of the scoring for each person will be assigned as their peer evaluation score.